Sunday, July 24, 2016

Night Dream

I remember it's been a month where I do not have a proper sleep. I could hardly fall asleep. Every night is a real struggle for me. When I cannot fall asleep then my mind would be wondering on negative matters, is like inevitable. Then I tears will fall agaain. Gah!

But, what I want to share today is yesterday night was different. Thank God that I managed to fall asleep easily and did not wake up until the alarm rang. So happy even still not that enough but I couldn't ask for more. Be contented.

I woke up only I realized that I had a sweet dream. I meet with my old close friend that we did not talk for few years already due to some misunderstanding. I sitting inside the car backseat and that close friend was sitting outside somewhere. So, when the car make a turn our eyes met and we smile at each other. That was really making me feel better. Thanks. All these while even when we met somewhere, I dare not look at him. Yea, is a guy. I just don't want him to feel bad so I always avoid him but still wish that we can be close friend again one day. Sometimes, it is really hard to resolve those misunderstandings. That is why I did not want to do anything anymore. I make a big mistake a lose very close friend of mine.
How come to be sincere and truthful is so hard?
At times, it is hard to be your true self, even just to have a sad face. At certain time when you really don't feel like smiling but you still need to so that people won't ask so many irrelevant questions or over worry about you. Did you face the same situation? Trying to be more sincere and that I can have a more lively life.


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